Flags star in new WW II exhibition at Tank Museum

David Willey, curator of The Tank Museum with two flags asociated with the siege of Tobruk in WW2. They form part of the new World War II exhibition.

A Union Flag flown during the eight-month siege of Tobruk in World War Two and a huge, German swastika flag captured during the relief operation are to be exhibited for the first time at The Tank Museum.

They will feature in the new ‘World War Two: War Stories’ exhibition, which will be ready when the Dorset attraction in Bovington re-opens to visitors, expected to be on May 17.

WW2 : War Stories exhibition

The siege of Tobruk began on April 10 1941 when advancing German and Italian troops cut off a skeleton Allied force in the Libyan city in North Africa.

The main Allied force retreated to the Egyptian border leaving mainly Australian troops of the 9th Division to deny the strategically important port to the Germans.

Although low on supplies and equipment, they defiantly flew the Union Flag over Tobruk despite the German commander Erwin Rommel’s best efforts to take the port and shorten his own stretched supply lines.

Relief operations were launched, the Royal Air Force flew defensive sorties from Egyptian bases and at night the Royal Navy carried in reinforcements and extracted the injured.

Later, new units were rotated into the garrison to replace worn-out and exhausted troops.

But it wasn’t until Operation Crusader, carried out by the 8th Army in November 1941, that the siege was finally ended and the ‘Rats of Tobruk’ were freed.

As part of the plan the 70th Infantry Division broke out from Tobruk and disrupted German supply lines.

Rommel was surprised by this aggressive attack in his rear and was forced to retreat westwards to Gazala and try to rebuild his forces.

It was during the relief operations that the swastika flag was captured from an 88mm flak gun locker by the advancing 8th Royal Tank Regiment.

The captured swastika flag which is going on display at The Tank Museum

David Willey, curator of the Tank Museum, said: “Flags are so important in conflict as symbols and rallying points – it is of course for many an expression of what you are fighting for, or trying to defend.

David Willey, curator of The Tank Museum with one of two flags asociated with the siege of Tobruk in WW2. They form part of the new World War II exhibition.

“This swastika flag was probably used to help identify the German gun position to their own Luftwaffe pilots.

“The soldiers who captured it speculated that it would have been used to decorate Alexandria in Egypt for the Fuhrer’s arrival and victory parade – if the Germans had succeeded.

“Of course that never happened and the flag instead ended up with the 8th Royal Tank Regiment’s mess.

“Like so many soldiers through history they wanted to leave their mark – their names recorded for posterity.

“So Jean Robinson, wife of Capt Robbie Robinson MC of B Squadron 8th Royal Tank Regiment, took on the task of embroidering all their names on the flag.

Mrs Jean Robinson who embroidered the swastika flag that is going on display at The Tank Museum.

“How Jean ended up in North Africa is uncertain but she not only embroidered the names of the regiment’s officers but also the places where the battalion had seen action, adding further place names in Italy as the war progressed.

“The flag was displayed at a battalion dinner to celebrate the Allied victory at El-Alamein and even after being donated to the museum it used to be lent back to the regimental association for re-union dinners.

‘’We are able to show this captured flag along with the Union Flag that flew above Tobruk during the long siege.

“Countless soldiers must have seen this flag flying; Australian, British, Indian, New Zealand, Polish and Czech soldiers who held out for 242 days despite the efforts of the Afrika Korps to dislodge them.

“Imagine the sense of defiance felt by those troops holding on, despite the deprivations, the bombing and the hardships.  Here is an item that has such emotive symbolism – an item that did its job and was actually there.

“The flag was held by the Rats of Tobruk Association until they presented it to the Museum in 1983.

“Both flags are big, powerful objects that really do make a dramatic statement and we are pleased to be able to display them together for the first time in our new World War Two : War Stories exhibition.

“And of course – it goes without saying – the Union Flag is displayed above the Swastika as a symbol of the Victory over Nazism.”

Putting the flag in place

Putting the flag in place

WW2 : War Stories exhibition

WW2 : War Stories exhibition




For more information contact Ed Baker at Deep South Media on 07788392965


About The Tank Museum

The Tank Museum (Bovington, UK) brings the story of tanks and their crews to life, with what is arguably the world’s finest collection of tanks displayed in awe-inspiring, modern exhibitions.

The museum houses some 300 tanks, representing the key battles of every major conflict since the First World War. Our moving exhibitions tell the story of this British invention; from the mud of the Somme, to the beaches of Normandy and the deserts of Iraq – featuring powerful stories from the soldiers that fought in them.

Highlights include the immersive Trench Experience and The Tank Story Hall – featuring key exhibits such as the first ever tank, the modern Challenger 2 and the notorious Tiger tank. New for 2020 is a major Second World War exhibition; “World War Two: War Stories”.

The Tank Museum is a registered charity and the museum of The Royal Tank Regiment and The Royal Armoured Corps.

Find out more: tankmuseum.org

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